Nature As Art; Art As Nature

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A moment of revelation, nature as art.

Rock, root, water, my skimming impressions

engage with what is real, and I imagine another layer, unreal.

To smell water, verdant and flush with life

To see and believe and believe in what one sees

as it changes shape and form, I lose faith in my fleeting perceptions.


But that is the nature of creativity,

Everything changes.

Is it an accurate photograph?

Is it a realistic painting?

What is it? How was it created?


Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose,

how I see it. Wood, paint, pencil on paper?

My working atmosphere is fractured. Or is it?

Computer, Lightroom, a manufactured palette.

Does the form exist in reality? Or is it based purely on mental creation?

An allusion is a figure of speech that

makes a reference to people, places, events or

works of art.  It is up to the reader, or
the viewer, to make a connection.

You generate your own movement.

You embody your own emotions, no

matter how daring or clear-sighted, or

satisfying or subversive they may be.

“Art is vision. The artist creates a

picture of phantasm,” said Beneditto

Croce, an Italian philosopher.

In the end, art has no other end but itself. Art is not nature. No. Art is made by man.


*All photos taken in Prince William Sound, Alaska.

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Welcome to the creative playground of Image, Sculpture, Verse.  I live in a river town nestled in the Chugach Mountain Range of Southcentral Alaska.



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