Winter’s Heartbeat

Home » Winter’s Heartbeat

We walked the quiet woods, cameras dangling 
from our necks, the air cold and still. Soon our 
steps became further spaced as you   
wandered away, following the scent of your  
camera’s eye,  discovering anew ice- 
rimmed leaves, a feather stuck to a tree, 
brittle wands of willow. 
Isn’t every single day, a rare occasion? 
Isn’t every moment fresh with new possibility? 
Listen, said e. e. cummings. There’s a
hell of a good universe next door: let’s go!
And so we went. Creating our own zig-zagged
trails through stands of birch and ice-tipped spruce, holding our own in this white icy 
world; moving, pausing, click click click

And then an ice “zipper” at the river. deep blue
and dramatic

Ice buttons.  Ice bubbles.  Ice stars.

How did thy form so perfectly, with dimples and fringes, bulges and points?

A baby universe. here. under our feet

Ice new, and ice light years old.

A world ordinary and rare: pure-glazed and

crystalline cold.

Note: These photos were taken on the Eagle River in Alaska, where we stumbled upon something rare on the river. Formations we’d never seen before, probably due to a previous melting of snow cover, then freezing temperatures, caused puckers around stones and crystals of ice hanging off the ends of rock. We found them interesting, showy and quite dramatic. 





0 thoughts on “Winter’s Heartbeat”

  1. Oh how wonderful! Your photos are amazing.

    I love, love, love any photos, of ice, frost, etc. You have captured beauties.

    Not only beautiful photos, but beautiful words, here too…

    Thank you. With Winter continuing, it is so nice to read posts, which continue to point out the Beauty of Winter.


  2. All of the photos are lovely, and beautifully framed with your words. Still, the "ice buttons" are my favorite. They remind me of my mother's rhinestones, and of her button box, where faceted and sparkly buttons mixed with the more pedestrian.

    What a gorgeous entry.

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