Only Reverence Will Make the Center Hold
Remember that you are human How could I forget? you ask Very easily, especially if you have money, or you are powerful or so successful that you push every thought […]
Remember that you are human How could I forget? you ask Very easily, especially if you have money, or you are powerful or so successful that you push every thought […]
As we move into the Day of Love, I’d like to share Sharon Salzberg‘s teachings on loving-kindness meditation, or “metta”, meaning boundless friendship toward oneself and others. Lovingkindness meditation
Source When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace. ~Author Unknown Try this. Click here to view DO AS ONE. Select your colors, your intention, a mandala,
If prayer would do it, I’d pray. If reading esteemed thinkers would do it I’d be halfway through the Patriarchs. If discourse would do it I’d be sitting with
(Nuns, Forence, Italy) Looking back on my first year of blogging, I am infused with gratitude for all the comments you have shared in response to my feeble attempts to
You step in the stream, but the water has moved on. I thought of this while lying on the floor with my 29 year old son, looking at the stars
I’m in the process of writing my memoirs of the last thirty years living in Alaska, which is an adventurous task (I took my first job out of graduate school
The situation we always live in is like that of the wise Chinese farmer whose best horse ran off one day. His neighbor came over to console him. “Oh, too
Nothing changes. The bones of the mammoth are still in the earth. -Adrienne Rich As I was reaching for the sweet potatoes this evening at dinner, I glimpsed my hand
Welcome to the creative playground of Image, Sculpture, Verse. I live in a river town nestled in the Chugach Mountain Range of Southcentral Alaska.
Stay connected through my occasional newsletter for more Image Sculpture Verse creations.